Sunday Scoop: Where is your faith rooted?

Sunday Scoop: Last week, Pastor Julian helped us understand how the fall of humanity (Genesis 3:5-7) was orchestrated by the adversary. Basically, when we're unclear about God's Word, we give the Enemy an opening to deceive us, as an in Eve’s misunderstanding of God’s command. …which means, Adam and Eve were simply tools being used by the spirit being, Satan!

I don’t want you to miss the message here, though: You must remember that the true enemy is not the tangible challenges you face, but the spirit being behind them. While the methods and instruments used may change, the spirit being remains constant: Satan. Therefore, stay vigilant and keep this in mind as you navigate your spiritual battles.

In today’s sermon, Pastor Julian posed a rather interesting question, if I do say so myself: What was it about Adam and Eve that made them so appealing to Satan, that it lead him to use a serpent to deceive them?

Though-provoking, right?!?!

Well, the answer is Kingdom. Satan coveted dominion and authority. In the beginning, he sought to supplant God as the supreme ruler (Isaiah 14:12-15). However, he was cast down from his position (Luke 10:17-20) and lost his heavenly territory.

So, his next move?

He set his sights on the earthly territory, ruled by man. …which shows he had knowledge of something. Remember, Satan isn’t ignorant - he simply ‘rules’ through ignorance. So He knew something Eve did not know.

What did he know?

Satan attacked Eve’s compliance to God’s Word (Genesis 3: 2-3) because he knew (!!) that God's Word was the key to His Kingship on earth (Genesis 1:26-28). …which was pretty gutsy (and petty, just saying) on the part of Satan because scripture tells us, in John 1:1, that the Word was God, meaning, Satan attacked God Himself. Satan attacked God through the heart of man because man was the legal representative of God on earth. Do you remember when Satan tempted Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11)? Who doesn’t, right? Because Jesus immediately resisted and cast him down. But when Satan tempted Eve, instead she gave in, thus elevating him and ushering in the kingdom of darkness which has been influencing the earth with corrupt wisdom ever since.

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, God's Kingdom withdrew, allowing the Kingdom of darkness to take hold. This was never solely about a fruit or a serpent; it was an attempt to overthrow God's kingdom (Genesis 5-7).

But wait! There’s more (and this part is goooood)!

Jesus came to bring the gift of Kingdom, because wherever the Kingdom of God is established, the Enemy cannot prevail against you.

..which is why faith isn't rooted in emotions or feelings, but rather in trusting the sovereignty of God's Kingdom and relying on the promises He has established. Just like the Centurion, who had unwavering confidence in Jesus' authority and trusted that His word would heal his servant (Matthew 8:5-13).

Where is the root of your faith?

-Sherna Williams