Sunday Scoop: The solution for what is happening in the world

Hey Scoopers!

Pastor Julian came through another WORD: “The solution for what’s happening in the world is the return of the Kingdom of God back to humanity.” 

Let me set the stage for this one— so, we know that Eve did not deceive Adam into eating the ‘Forbidden Fruit’. In the words of Pastor Julian, “He sinned with his eyes wiiiiide open.” How so? 

Adam had received God's warning about the fruit directly (Genesis 2:16-17).

But what happened immediately after, is where its’s at y’all, because the scripture said BOTH of their eyes were opened (Genesis 3:7). Then Genesis 3:14  starts out with “because you have ” and lays out a host of consequences for the enemy, the woman AND the man. 

THAT’S THE MOMENT - the moment that sickness/disease, murder, poverty, war, etc., entered the world. 

So, here’s your nutshell: Adam and Eve’s consumption of the Forbidden Fruit interrupted God’s government on earth and opened the door for darkness.

I know you’re wondering why God didn't intervene to prevent all of this.

The answer lies in His commitment to His Word because God regulates himself to His word (11 Timothy 2:13). His Word went forth when He gave Adam the standards and limits for governing the Garden of Eden, His earthly Kingdom. The standards and limits were in place to give us the best advantage at preserving the quality of life he intended for us. His Word also went forth with a consequence for sin: death (Genesis 2:17). So, while He could have overlooked Adam and Eve's violation, He chose not to, as it would have gone against His Word. Instead, He exalted His word above Himself.

….and plus, His comeback game is mad strong - I’m just saying!

We see this concept mirrored in Matthew 7 13-14, as God reveals His standards on the narrow way. The broad way (rebellion against the Kingdom) is free from God’s standards and requires nothing of us, which is why it is easy to find and access.

So, the serpent introduced Eve to the broad way/alternate way of living in Genesis 3:1-5, when he convinced her to become her own judge, so that she could be the one in charge and the one who decides right and wrong.

               *Cue in ‘independence’*

Independence is the desire to govern yourself based on your own understanding AKA acting outside of God. It’s the difference between “I’ll do whatever I want” and “I’ll do what the Lord commands” but come a little closer because I almost missed this part the first time around!

Independence is actually motivated by the Enemy. How so, you ask? Because it is covered in his ‘I can’t wait to live without rules, standards and laws being imposed on me’ fingerprints. Did you catch that? 

I bet if you take a good look at the world around you, you can spot the deviations from the path God initially marked out for us. If God commanded a specific standard for living, then sin is laying aside God’s commands or going beyond His commands by deviating from the mark God has set.

When Adam and Eve went against God’s command and ate the Forbidden Fruit, their crowning glory was removed, they were cast down, and they were no longer in their rightful position. They became purposeless and no longer fit to rule God’s earthly kingdom. 

Therefore, their relationship with God was severed and they were removed from God’s presence.

Which brings us back to the core of Pastor Julian’s message: “The solution to what’s happening in the world is the return of the kingdom of God back to humanity”.  

After condemning the Enemy, God declared, 'Your offspring (Jesus Christ) will crush the serpent's head' (symbolizing the defeat of Satan's authority). God promised to restore us to our rightful position when the Kingdom returns through the offspring (Jesus Christ).

-Sherna Williams