Sunday Scoop: God deposited a divine power in your weak body

Pastor Rooks: “God deposited a divine power in your weak body that is superior to your current affliction. Like soil is to seed, affliction is to the treasure God has placed in you.”

Y’all…this one is a goody!

God is coming to collect on His treasure! He wants to use what's inside you to make a difference in the world.

Remember when you went through that really tough time and felt like giving up? Yeah, we've all been there! But here's the thing: God is always with us, even in the darkest moments. And He's always working to bring out the best in us.

So, let's explore how to tap into that treasure inside us and let God use it to make a difference in our lives and the lives of those around us!

Pastor Julian describes despair as feeling hopeless and trapped, like there's no escape from our struggles - whether it's with our health, finances, career, or marriage. But here's the thing: Paul, in 2 Corinthians 4:7-11, reminds us that our afflictions are not unique to us. He faced his own share of trials and tribulations, and yet, he continued to obey God's assignment for his life.

Sometimes, when our struggles test our faith and obedience, we might be tempted to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like smoking, cursing, or illicit sex, or even renounce our beliefs altogether. But Paul's example shows us that we don't have to give in to despair. Instead, we can lean on God's strength to find a way out of our darkest moments.

Remember, Paul's experiences were real, and he understands what it's like to feel overwhelmed. But he also shows us that our afflictions can actually refine our faith and obedience, making us stronger and more resilient in the end.

In 2 Corinthians 4:2, God reminds us that we shouldn't face our struggles like the world does. As believers, we've been enlightened by the Gospel and therefore, should have a different perspective. So, needless to say, your current struggles aren't a valid reason to go back to old habits or relationships that God has freed you from. The enemy wants to use despair to control your decisions, but the light of the Gospel can break through that despair and lead you to victory.

Remember, where you focus your attention is where your faith will flow. When you give in to despair, you lose heart because you're focused on your circumstances. The enemy wants to keep you in the dark, so you won't pursue the light. Think about it - when we have a tough week, we often stop doing the things that nourish our faith, like going to church, reading our Bibles, or praying.

In 2 Corinthians 4:16, Paul reminds us that we're feeling the pressure of our struggles, but we need to learn to respond to God instead of just reacting to life. Responding takes time and maturity, but reacting is quick and often leads to stress. Let's choose to respond to God and trust in His victorious power.

Here's the thing, family: afflictions are meant to reveal areas where we need to grow and mature. Until we face challenges, we don't truly know our capabilities or the strength we possess. There's immense treasure within you, and the primary purpose of affliction is to help you discover it. You see, God has placed incredible power inside you, and affliction is meant to bring it out.

In 2 Corinthians 4:17, Paul reminds us that suffering is temporary, but we often make permanent decisions based on temporary struggles. Some people give up, walk away, or even take their own lives. But if we stop reacting and take a step back, we'll see that our afflictions are actually working for our good. Paul takes it further in 2 Corinthians 4:11-15, saying that our afflictions aren't just about us; they can bring life to others. It's like something in us needs to die so that others can live. There's generational treasure in your affliction, connected to something bigger than you. Your struggles can push others through, and people will see the treasure in your life.

So, it's up to you: will you let your affliction push you away from Christ or towards Him? Here's how:

1. Don't lose heart or draw back.
2. Take your focus off what you can see.
3. Stop looking outside and go within.

Remember, you're not living just for yourself. Your life has a purpose, and your afflictions can be a treasure that brings life to others.

-Sherna Williams