Sunday Scoop: How to handle the unexpected

Pastor Joe delivered a powerful message, walking us through King David's life (1 Samuel) as an example of how to handle the unexpected. There are three types of unexpected events:

- Those that come from God (blessings or tests)
- Those that come from life (things outside our control)
- Those that come from us (consequences of our actions)

David, a man after God's own heart, trusted in a God bigger than his circumstances. He faced many challenges, including:

- Unexpected calls from God (being called to be king as a teenager)
- Unexpected tests from life (Saul seeking to kill him)
- Unexpected consequences from his own actions (sinning with Bathsheba)

Despite these challenges, David remained true to God's promises, and his story teaches us that:

- God is good and works all things out for our good
- God's timing is perfect
- God will be glorified even in hard times
- His faithful love never ends (Lamentations 3:20-29)
- He can keep us and bring us into His glorious presence (Jude 1)

There was a 10-15 year gap between David receiving the promise of kingship and actually becoming king. During that time, he faced numerous challenges, including hiding in caves and wildernesses, feeling rejected and abandoned, and battling the urge to take revenge into his own hands. Yet, he remained faithful to God's promise, persevering through trials that refined his character and heart. This process prepared him for the calling he had received, teaching him to trust in God's timing and purification, even in the face of adversity. As a result, the Book of Psalms was written over the course of his lifespan.

So, remember that there may be a journey between receiving a word from God and seeing it fulfilled, but don't give up. Expect the unexpected, and trust in God's goodness and guidance.

-Sherna Williams